The Family

The Family

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ontario Science Center

While we were in Toronto, me, dad and Clara went to the Ontario Science Center. It was so amazing! There were lots of snakes and lizards. There was a big one called a water monitor. And there was a huge snake. Well it wasn't very huge but it was very, very, long, it reached the top of the cage.

There were also spy stuff. There was even a little thing that was like a mirror and you could see yourself and the other person on the other side when the light was on (Jason: a one way mirror).

There were dog statues. There were games like a little music room where you could pretend you were a rock star. There was a little shop room where you could play shopping. There were blocks. You could blow bubbles inside the science center.

There were sprinklers outside but we didn't go in them. In the space bit there was a hole and some balls rolling around it and it was just like a black hole in space. She balls spun around and went down the hole.

Outside there was a water instrument. You blocked little holes where water came out and some big pipes made sounds.

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